Front-end web development, also known as client-side development is the practice of producing HTML, CSS and JavaScript for a website or Web Application.
Average salary for a Front End Developer is $84 000 in United States (50k-130k):
> Front End Developer Junior (1-3 years experience) $73 000 (40k-110k)
> Front End Developer Middle (4-6 years experience) $84 000 (50k-130k)
> Front End Developer Senior (7-9 years experience) $90 000 (50k-140k)
> Front End Developer Lead (more 10 years experience) $93 000 (55k-140k)
Front End Developer should have:
> Bachelor of Science in Web Design and Development or related area;
> Front End Development experience;
> Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS etc.
Front End Developer should use for resume constcuctions "Accomplished [Х] as measured by [Y] by doing [Z]".
For example “Reduced page load times by up to 20% by automating image optimization with Grunt and minified JS and CSS."