A chief technical officer (CTO) is an executive who is responsible for the management of an organization's research and development (R&D) as well as its technological needs. 

The responsibilities and role of the CTO also depend on the company.


CTO Resume Sample:

CTO Resume Sample

Average salary for a Chief Technical Officer is $197 000 in United States (105k-335k).


Chief Technical Officer should have:

- Bachelor of Science in Management and Systems, Information Technology, Computer Science or related area;

- Software or Network Engineering experience;

- Proficiency in Managment, DevOps, Machine Learning, Business Analytics, Network Administration etc. 


Chief Technical Officer should use for resume constcuctions  "Accomplished [Х] as measured by [Y] by doing [Z]"

For example “Cuted data processing time by 40% by leding overhaul of IT infrastructure."

Build resume for CTO