SEO Specialist

A Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialist analyzes, reviews and implements changes to websites so they are optimized for search engines. 

This means maximizing the traffic to a site by improving page rank within search engines.


SEO Specialist Resume Sample:

SEO Specialist Resume Sample

Average salary for a SEO Specialist is $52 000 in United States (35k-70k): 

- SEO Specialist Junior (1-3 years experience) $46 000 (30k-60k) 

- SEO Specialist Middle (4-6 years experience) $54 000 (35k-70k)   

- SEO Specialist Senior (7-9 years experience) $61 000 (40k-80k)  

- SEO Specialist Lead (more 10 years experience) $66 000 (45k-90k)  


SEO Specialist should have:

- Bachelor of Science in Marketing or related area;

- SEO experience;

- Proficiency in Copywriting, SEO editing, Web design, UX, Excel, HTML etc. 


SEO Specialist should use for resume constcuctions  "Accomplished [Х] as measured by [Y] by doing [Z]"

For example “Increased relevant click through and conversion rates by 30% througt contests and promotions."

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